A positive angle will rotate the object counter clockwise negative angles will rotate the object clockwise. Select Rotate in the Transformation Docker: Type the number of degrees of rotation in the Angle box. Rotation an Object using the Transformation Docker: Select the object that will be rotated (only once, so the 8 handles are shown).
Release the mouse button and the image will be rotated. A blue copy of the image will be shown to indicate the where the final image will be located. Drag to rotate, watching the status bar to see the number of degrees of rotation. Please the cursor on top of the corner arrow and the cursor becomes a round arrow. After the second click, the rotation arrows appear in place of the handles. After the first click, the usual 8 handles appear around the object. If the object you want to rotate is not selected, click on it twice. To obtain the rotation arrows, click on an object when it is already selected. Rotating an Object (by hand): To rotate an object requires special rotation arrows that will allow you to drag the object through any angle desired. If you wish to have the original object left as well as the mirror image, click Apply to Duplicate instead of Apply. The mirror copy will be in the same place as the original. Select the Horizontal (or Vertical) mirror button and click Apply. If you do not already see the Transformations Docker, select: Arrange Transformations Scale Make sure Scale and Mirror is selected: 4. Making a Mirror Image Using the Transformation Docker: Select the object that will be mirrored. The mirror image will be placed beside the Start dragging here Stop dragging here original location If you want a copy made, click the right mouse button before releasing the left button. Watch the status line until a 100% stretch has been reached. The new shape will be shown in blue as you drag. Drag the handle over and beyond the centre right handle. Place the cursor on the centre left handle. Draw a thought bubble: click and hold the mouse on the Basic Shapes tool choose the callout shapes tool ( ) choose the thought bubble ( ) from the Shape Menu ( ) in the menu bar at the top of the screen click and drag the mouse to make a thought bubble Lets mirror the thought bubble so that it faces in the opposite direction: Select the object. There are two methods that will do this for you. Reflecting a graphic so that it faces a different direction is an easy task. Making a Mirror Image of an Object: You will often find a graphic that would be more suitable to your needs if it was reversed from its given orientation. Note that the distortion makes the star stretch vertically, while retaining the same width. To vertically stretch or distort an object, drag the center top (or bottom) handle. Notice that the height stayed the same, but the star was horizontally stretched or distorted. To horizontally stretch and distort an object, drag the centre right (or left) handle. To make copies, press the right mouse button while still holding the left down.
Try holding the SHIFT key while dragging. Draw a star: click and hold the mouse on the Basic Shapes tool ( ) choose the star shapes tool ( ) choose the 5-pointed star from the Shape Menu ( ) in the menu bar at the top of the screen click and drag the mouse to make a star shape Practice stretching the star to make different sizes and shapes. Drag the arrow cursor and you will stretch the object, without any distortion. To enlarge or reduce the object and maintain its proportions, place the cursor on top of any one of the four corner handles. Menus Toolbars Toolbox Page Drawing Dockers Colour PaletteĢ. Position the cursor on top of any handle and the cursor will appear as an arrow. The 8 handles that appear around the selected object enable you to stretch or distort the object. Deleting an Object: Choose the Pick Tool ( ). The keyboard shortcut for undo is CTRL-Z (i.e. CorelDraw 12 Tutorial The CorelDraw screen: Status Bar Using the UNDO Command: When you make a mistake, you can undo it immediately by clicking Edit on the Menu Bar and then clicking Undo.